Play Safe.
2 Wheelchair Capacity ADA Merry Go Round
$20,950.00Sale Price: $20,750.00
Merry-go-rounds are a great addition to any playground, and the Two Capacity Wheelchair Accessible Merry Go Round with Seat offers a unique, vibrant design and colors to supplement your existing playground equipment. Featuring commercial-grade galvanized steel guardrails, this merry-go-round is built to stand the test of time. The Two Capacity Wheelchair Accessible Merry Go Round with Seat is partially enclosed by steel guardrails, and features a spacious seat for those who aren’t comfortable standing while the merry-go-round spins. Additionally, this merry-go-round is wheelchair accessible, so everyone, regardless of ability, can join in on the fun. Along with swings and slides, merry-go-rounds are a staple of playgrounds, and the Two Capacity Wheelchair Accessible Merry Go Round with Seatt is sure to stand out thanks to the wave-like nature of its safety bars.
  • 14" fall height
  • Age range: 1-12
  • Child capacity: 3-7
  • 27' Diameter Safety Zone Required
National Standards
  • ASTM F1487-17
  • CPSC Guidelines #325